There is now a disincentive for health insurance navigators to set up shop in rural areas. Navigators are those specially trained people that help...
President Donald Trump is expressing support for an agreement struck by two leading lawmakers to extend federal payments to health insurers.
President Trump’s decision to stop paying subsidies to insurance companies means many middle class families will likely pay more for coverage. As part...
Western North Carolina Republican Congressman Mark Meadows met face to face with supporters and detractors during a town hall debate last night near…
1.34 million North Carolinians could lose health insurance if the Senate health care bill became law, according to the liberal think-tank the Center for…
Republican Western North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows says the Affordable Care Act repeal bill presented by Senate GOP leaders currently lacks…
On Thursday, the U.S. Senate unveiled its plan to replace Obamacare. A key component of the bill deals with Medicaid, the federal program to provide...
Walter Jones, who represents North Carolina’s Third Congressional District, was the only Republican in this state to vote against a bill that will...
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, best known as Obamacare. And this version is different from a...