The North Carolina legislature is adjourned until May. Or are they? BPR's Jeremy Loeb and Western Carolina University political scientist Chris Cooper…
There is a simple, demographic fact in North Carolina politics: women are underrepresented in the General Assembly. They make up 51.4 percent of the...
State legislators have adjourned until May after voting to fix a long-standing issue over mandated class sizes, while delaying further action on the...
Details of the North Carolina House budget have emerged as lawmakers try for quicker passage of a completed 2 year spending plan. WUNC capitol reporter…
This was "crossover week" at the North Carolina legislature, a busy time for lawmakers (and journalists). It's a self-imposed deadline, when a majority of…
A bill introduced in the General Assembly would split Asheville into districts for the purpose of electing city council members. It’s sponsored by…
The last bill former Hendersonville Republican Tom Apodaca put forth before he retired would have split Asheville into districts for the purpose of…
With lawmakers back in Raleigh, we’re speaking with some of those members from out here in the west. Today, Susan Fisher, an Asheville Democrat.Fisher…
This week in state politics, an analysis of Gov. Roy Cooper's first State of the State address. Cooper used the phrase "common ground" 13 different...
Senate Republicans rolled out their latest proposal for tax policy changes Thursday morning, days after House Representatives introduced their Tax...