¿Es el español tu idioma principal? Realice la versión en español de la encuesta de la Agenda Comunitaria aquí.
Following local elections can feel overwhelming. Between opinion poll reporting and horse race coverage, there are a lot of voices on the topic.
At BPR, we believe that journalism works best when everyone’s voice is heard – not just those of the politicians and candidates.
That’s why today, we’re putting the coverage in your hands and launching our 2024 Community Agenda.
The Community Agenda is a fresh, people-focused approach to cut through the noise and effectively cover the elections. It is also an invitation to participate in our coverage by directly telling us what to ask candidates and which issues matter to you.
We are building on a methodology that originated right here in North Carolina and evolved through use by many other news organizations across the country.
Here's how it works
We want to ask you three questions.
- What do you want 11th Congressional district candidates Chuck Edwards and Caleb Rudow to talk about as they compete for your votes?
- What other local races are you most interested in?
- What issues are the most important to you?
We’ll collect your responses starting today and running through October 4, 2024.
Along the way, our news team will analyze the results to identify the topics and issues that are most important to BPR’s audience. Transparency is a key principle of the work, so we’ll share those themes with you. Then, we will pose your questions directly to candidates as we cover local elections and write issue-based stories based on your responses.
During the primaries, nearly 150 people contributed to our Community Agenda, which we posed directly to Asheville City Council candidates.
This election, we hope to double that number. Ambitious? Maybe — but we want to hear from as many members of our community as possible.
Ready to contribute?
There are three ways to contribute to the Community Agenda.
- The best way is to fill out the Google form below! (Versión en españo aquí.)
- Call 828-253-6700 and leave us a voicemail message
- Email your response or a voice memo to voices@bpr.org. (Not sure how to record a voice memo? Here’s a guide.)