Mira Gerard is conscious of her father's complicated history as she rebrands the gallery with an emphasis on women and queer artists, along with artists of color.
"A Search for Safe Passage" was written to engage grade-schoolers who might someday choose to work toward curbing animal fatalities along the nation's highways.
Melanie Bianchi's new short story collection is titled "The Ballad of Cherrystoke," and it draws on the author's experiences of Asheville during the 1990s.
The pandemic cut the sisters off from their people, but not their muse. They formed a songwriting group with three other women, each of them sharing new music with one another every week for the past two years and counting. They said they’re excited by what’s come from it—a collaborative album of new a capella music.
As COVID numbers drop and protocols loosen, theater and concert venue policies are all over the map. Some require vaccinations and masks. Others require neither. Some are strict enforcers of whatever policies they put in place, others not so much.
In the recording studio with Lena Machina of the Asheville goth rock band Secret Shame
The word anxiety comes up often as Zander Stefani describes his life. He said he channels some of it into his abstract artwork. “It’s like I’m painting…
A lot of artists will tell you an inner voice propels them to create. The Asheville playwright Jamie Knox says, for her, it’s often a voice that isn’t her…
Gavin Stewart and Vanessa Owen are rehearsing with two other dancers inside a studio at the Wortham Center for Performing Arts. Everyone is masked. “OK…
John and Cinnamon Kennedy formed their first band before they knew how to play their instruments.“One day, John and our neighbor were like ‘We’re making a…