December 15 is the enrollment deadline for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, which became law nearly ten years ago. BPR’s Helen Chickering…
Good news for last minute insurance shoppers. Pisgah Legal Services, in partnership with Mission Health is hosting a free enrollment event Saturday,…
Last year, more than half a million North Carolina residents signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. With less than two weeks left…
Open Enrollment for healthcare coverage under the Affordable Care Act is now underway. The nonprofit Pisgah Legal Services held a press conference this…
Thursday marks the beginning of the sixth year of open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. People can buy or renew...
Premiums for the majority Affordable Care Act plans in North Carolina will decrease for the first time in history, but the chief executive of the state...
The Trump administration took another swipe at the Affordable Care Act recently in announcing that it's cutting funding to ACA 'navigators' 72 percent,…
Preliminary numbers show 8.8 million people bought health insurance plans through the federal exchange this year nationwide. That’s 96 percent of last...
This is the last week to sign up for health insurance through the exchange. More than 209,000 people in North Carolina have enrolled as of the first...
Open enrollment for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act begins today amid continued uncertainty over the fate of the health care law. Here in…