There is a new detour available for people trying to drive between Sylva and Dillsboro. This is big news for the almost 10,000 cars that use the corridor every day.
NC DOT is currently working on a new bridge on Haywood Road over Scott Creek in Jackson County which has closed the road.
Local traffic may now use Dillsboro Road and Old Home Town Road — which has been paved to connect at both ends — around the construction and back to Haywood Road with minimal delay. Large vehicles and 18-wheel trucks must still use U.S. 441 and U.S. 23/74 as the detour until construction is complete.
Haywood Road will fully reopen with a new bridge in the spring. The project was amended in June to close the bridge during construction to shave about two years and $3 million dollars off of the project.
The new bridge will feature a sidewalk and a bike lane.
NC DOT also announced this week that planned updates planned for N.C. 107 will be delayed about two years because of COVID-19. Construction was slated to state in 2023 but has been pushed back due to economic shortfalls.