Mind The Gap. It originated in the London Underground and has been adopted by transit systems around the world. We’re minding our own gap here at WCQS – a [now] $25,000 gap between the money it takes to bring you Morning Edition, All Things Considered, classical music, our local news, Car Talk and other programs – and the money raised during our spring membership drive.
More than 2,500 people contributed to the campaign this spring. If you are among them, thank you! If not, you can mind the public radio gap today by making your pledge right nowor by calling 828-210-4800.
Meeting the $275,000 goal is essential in order to pay for the programming you appreciate and value. You rely on WCQS and the station relies on you. Because you choose to listen to WCQS, we ask you to support WCQS. Please help WCQS remain a vital and strong resource for our community with your gift right now.
You can also mail your donation to:
73 Broadway
Asheville, NC 28801
You will hear our thanks every day.