In the award-winning documentary “Kifaru,” director and North Carolina State University alumnus David Hambridge follows two young Kenyan caretakers charged with protecting Sudan, the last male northern white rhinoceros in the world.Host Frank Stasio talks with director and North Carolina State University alumnus David Hambridge about his award-winning documentary, 'Kifaru.'
Since birth, Sudan ran the gauntlet. He was constantly under threat from poachers, trophy hunters, civil war, resource extraction and habitat loss. The documentary shadows the keepers as they tenderly care for Sudan until his death in 2018. While Sudan’s impending tragedy looms large in the film, Hambridge keeps the focus on the rhino keepers’ struggle with the ways their livelihoods are bound to Sudan’s fate. It also traces the unprecedented efforts to clone his DNA to help preserve the species.
KIFARU | Trailer from Ragtag Tribe Films on Vimeo.
Host Frank Stasio speaks with David Hambridge about filming Sudan and his keepers over the last five years of the rhino’s life. Also featured is the voice of James Mwenda, one of Sudan’s keepers, who has since become a global ambassador against extinction.
Hambridge will host a free public showing of his documentary Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Witherspoon Student Center on NC State’s Campus followed by a Q&A session with Marsha Gordon, film professor at North Carolina State University and a regular contributor to The State of Things’ Movies On The Radio series.
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