Friends Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett’s fascination with VHS tapes started in elementary school. The two would scour garage sales and thrift stores for odd and entertaining videos and then head home to host viewing parties for their friends.
Host Frank Stasio speaks with Found Footage Festival co-founder Nick Prueher.
Despite the evolution of digital media, their fascination with the old-school medium never waned. In 2004 they started a traveling film festival to show off the wide cross section of humanity captured on these found tapes. Found Footage Festival co-founder Nick Prueher speaks with host Frank Stasio about some of the societal trends he and Pickett have pieced together by collecting and watching endless tapes, like the rise of satanism concerns in the 80s and 90s.
The Found Footage Festival comes to Raleigh’s Kings on Thursday, Dec. 14 at 8:30 p.m.
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