To mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, WCQS will air We Knew JFK: Unheard Stories from the Kennedy Archives.
Hosted by legendary journalist Robert MacNeil, We Knew JFK is a radio documentary in oral history form, built around the recorded recollections of people who knew Jack Kennedy personally. Never-before-broadcast memories from JFK's confidantes recorded just after the assassination.
We Knew JFK came into being when independent producer Steve Atlas stumbled, quite by chance, across an extraordinary collection of audio recordings deep in the stacks of the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston. The recordings were one-on-one interviews, done half a century ago, with people who had known JFK personally.
Tune in Wednesday, Nov. 20th at 7 p.m. for We Knew JFK: Unheard Stories from the Kennedy Archives.